Codeblocks compiler location
Codeblocks compiler location

codeblocks compiler location

The parser search directories come to the rescue again. Now, although build scripts are an awesome feature, the C/C++ parser faces the same problem: it doesn't know where to search for files. To minimize maintenance overhead, I'm using build scripts to configure these projects. As another example, I have a set of projects in a workspace. Of course, backticked expressions are not the only reason these parser search dirs are useful. So, by manually adding the directory in the parser's search dirs you're actually helping the parser find the files. In this case, the parser is not aware of where the source files are located. They're mostly useful when you don't add compiler search dirs in build options but use backticked expressions (e.g. Right click on the project, click on Properties and select the C/C++ parser options. See "Settings/Editor", click on "Code-completion and symbols browser" in the left column and check the Code completion and C/C++ parser tabs.įrom the 0 nightly build, you can also add, in the project properties, directories to be searched when locating a file to parse.

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  • codeblocks compiler location

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    codeblocks compiler location

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    Codeblocks compiler location