Tracker pdf xchange pro
Tracker pdf xchange pro

tracker pdf xchange pro

The public key can also be used to validate the digital signature of the owner. The public key contains the information about its owner, and can be shared by the owner in order for a recipient to encrypt information that is intended for only the owner to view. They contain the information detailed in (figure 3) below, as well as two keys: the public key and the private key. Digital IDs are used to create digital signatures and to decrypt documents that have been encrypted for the owner.

tracker pdf xchange pro

Digital signatures utilize a digital ID in order to operate. The Form tab can be used to add digital signature fields to documents. They can also be used to determine editing permissions for documents, and to add timestamp server verification to documents. Protect Tab, Digital Signatures Groupĭigital signatures are used to demonstrate the authenticity of documents and increase their security. Use the options in the Digital Signatures group to perform operations that relate to digital signatures:įigure 1.

Tracker pdf xchange pro